import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import igraph
import lib.config as config
import pickle
[docs]def correctLastCharCR(inText):#
""" if the last letter of the nick is '\\' replace it by 'CR'
for example rohan\ becomes rohanCR
to avoid complications in nx because of the special char '\\'
inText (str): input nick, checked for '\\' at last position
str: updated string with '\\' replaced by CR (if it exists)
if(len(inText) > 1 and inText[len(inText)-1]=='\\'):
inText = inText[:-1]+'CR'
return inText
[docs]def correct_nick_for_(inText):
last letter of nick maybe _ and this produces error in nickmatching
inText (str): input nick, checked for '_' at last position
str: updated string with '_' removed
if(inText and inText[len(inText)-1] == '_'):
inText = inText[:-1]
return inText
def to_graph(l):
G = nx.Graph()
for part in l:
# each sublist is a bunch of nodes
# it also imlies a number of edges:
return G
[docs]def to_edges(l):
""" A generator which
takes a graph and returns it's edges | for
example : to_edges(['a','b','c','d']) -> [(a,b), (b,c),(c,d)]
l (list): graph object to be converted to edge_list
str: edge list of the inputted graph object
it = iter(l)
last = next(it)
for current in it:
yield last, current
last = current
def exponential_curve_func(x, a, b, c):
return a * np.exp(-b * x) + c
[docs]def get_year_month_day(day_content):
""" A generator which
takes a day_content and gives the associated year, month and date associated with it
"log_data": day_data,
"auxiliary_data": {
"channel": channel_name,
"year": year_iterator,
"month": month_iterator,
"day": day_iterator
str:year, str:month, str:day
year, month, day = str(day_content["auxiliary_data"]["year"]), str(day_content["auxiliary_data"]["month"]), str(day_content["auxiliary_data"]["day"])
return year, month, day
def rec_list_splice(rec_list):
rec_list[1] = rec_list[1][rec_list[1].find(">") + 1:len(rec_list[1])][1:]
return rec_list
def check_if_msg_line (line):
return (line[0] != '=' and "] <" in line and "> " in line)
[docs]def build_graphs(nick_sender, nick_receiver, time, year, month, day, day_graph, aggr_graph):
nick_sender(str): person who has sent the message
nick_receiver(str): person who receives the message
time(str): time when message is sent
year(str): year when message is sent
month(str): month when message is sent
day(str): day when message is sent
day_graph(networkx directed graph): a single days graph to which we add edges
aggr_graph(networkx directed graph): a whole time spans aggregate graph to which we add edges
day_graph.add_edge(nick_sender, nick_receiver, weight=time)
aggr_graph.add_edge(nick_sender, nick_receiver, weight=year+"/" + month + "/" + day + " - " + time)
return day_graph, aggr_graph
[docs]def HACK_convert_nx_igraph(nx_graph):
There exist no current method to convert a nx graph to an igraph.
So this is a hack which does sp.
nx_graph: input nx_graph to be converted to igraph
ig_graph: converted igraph
nx.write_pajek(nx_graph, "/tmp/")
ig_graph = igraph.Graph()
ig_graph ="/tmp/", format="pajek")
return ig_graph
[docs]def extend_conversation_list(nick_sender, nick_receiver, conversation):
""" A functions that takes the nick_sender and nick_reciver and add them
the conversation list and increase the weight.
nick_sender : nick of user sending a message
nick_receiver: nick of user to whom message is being send_time
conversation: list of nick_sender's and nick_reciever along with number of time message shared btw them
conversation (list): list containg all the nick between whom messages have been shared
for i in xrange(0,config.MAX_EXPECTED_DIFF_NICKS):
if (nick_sender in conversation[i] and nick_receiver in conversation[i]):
if (nick_sender == conversation[i][1] and nick_receiver == conversation[i][2]):
conversation[i][0] += 1
conversation[i][0]=conversation[i][0]+ 1
return conversation
[docs]def create_connected_nick_list(conn_comp_list):
A function that converts each individual list member to a list
for i in range(len(conn_comp_list)):
conn_comp_list[i] = list(conn_comp_list[i])
return conn_comp_list
[docs]def correct_last_char_list(rec_list):
corrects last char for all elements in rec_list
for i in range(len(rec_list)):
rec_list[i] = correctLastCharCR(rec_list[i])
return rec_list
[docs]def splice_find(line, search_param1, search_param2, splice_index):
line(str) : a line in the day log
search_param1(str): first string to search in line
search_param2(str): second string to search in line
splice_index(int): index used to splice eg if splice_index = 3 line[3:] will give us the string from index 3 till the end.
return correctLastCharCR(line[line.find(search_param1) + 1:line.find(search_param2)][splice_index:])
[docs]def get_nick_sen_rec(iter_range, nick_to_search, conn_comp_list, nick_sen_rec):
iter_range(int) : length of the interval in which nick_sen_rec can be
conn_comp_list(list): list of connected nicks
nick_sen_rec(str): nick sender/receiver that we wish to find
for i in range(iter_range):
if((i < len(conn_comp_list)) and (nick_to_search in conn_comp_list[i])):
nick_sen_rec = conn_comp_list[i][0]
return nick_sen_rec
[docs]def get_nick_representative(nicks, nick_same_list, nick_to_compare):
Get representative nick for a nick ( from nick same_list)
for i in range(len(nicks)):
if nick_to_compare in nick_same_list[i]:
nick_sender_receiver = nick_same_list[i][0]
nick_sender_receiver = nick_to_compare
return nick_sender_receiver
[docs]def find_top_n_element_after_sorting(in_list, index, reverseBool, n):
find top n elements from a list after sorting on the basis on 'index' entry
in_list: input list of list
index: which index in entries to selectt for sorting
reverseBool(bool): reverse order
n(int): select top n
return sorted(in_list, key=lambda x: x[index], reverse=reverseBool)[:n]
[docs]def count_number_of_users_on_channel(nick_same_list):
nick_same_list:list of list of strings, each inner list has the aliases for the same user
total_users = 0
for ele in nick_same_list:
if not ele:
total_users += 1
return total_users
[docs]def save_to_disk(data,file_name):
A function to save any data structure to a file using pickle module
:param data: data structure that needs to be saved to disk
:param file_name: name of the file to be used for saving the data
:return: null
fileObject = open(file_name,'wb')
[docs]def load_from_disk(file_name):
A function to load any data structure from a file using pickle module
:param file_name: name of the file to be used for saving the data
:return: data structure that exists in the file
fileObject = open(file_name,'r')
data = pickle.load(fileObject)
return data