Similar Courses
- CMSC132: Object Oriented Programming II, University of Maryland, College Park
- ECE30862 Object Oriented Programming C++ and Java, Purdue University, West Lafayette
- CS108 Object Oriented System Design, Stanford University
- Java Programming courses at MIT - Java Preparation for 6.170, Introduction to Programming in Java
- MIT 6.148 Web Programming Competition, MIT
- University of Helsinki’s MOOC on Object Oriented Programming Part-I, Part-II
- Principles of Object Oriented Programming COMP201 COMP202, Rice University
- Object Oriented and Advanced Programming, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- CS410J: Advanced Java Programming, Portland State University Lecture Videos
Software Development Process
- Object Oriented Analysis and Design, BITS
- Extreme Programming
- Atlassian developers “Hello World! A new grad’s guide to coding as a team”
- UML Quick Reference, Allan Holub
- UML diagrams
- Visio UML Stencils by Pavel Hruby
Java Programming Language
- Collected Java Practices, John O’Hanley
- Introduction to CS with Java, Prof. Bradley Kjell, Central Connecticut State University
- Oracle Java Tutorials
- Introduction to Programming in Java, MIT OCW
- CS106A Programming Methodologies, Stanford University Videos
- Introduction to Programming Using Java, David Eck
- Java Programming I, Stephen Gilbert
- Computer Science CS161 and CS162, Western Oregon University
- Java Video Tutorials by Derek Banas
You can also visit his Youtube Channel
- Java Tutorials, Jenkov
- Gradual development of programs
- Debugging technique
- Common errors in Java programs
Coding Style
- Unmaintainable Code, Roedy Green
- Java Style Guide, Google
- BlueJ - FAQ, Reference Manual, Installing Extensions
Extensions - PMD, Jeliot, CheckStyle (see UWA page for style config xml file)
- Git and GitHub documentation
- TortoiseGit
- FitNesse acceptance testing tool
- GIT review article
Design Principles and Patterns
- SOLID Principles - Uncle Bob, review article
- Design Patterns (in Java) by Derek Banas
- Design Patterns in Java by Ilkka Seppälä GitHub, Exhaustive List, Pattern Class Diagrams
- Architecture of Open Source Software
Role Models
- Alan Kay wikipedia home
- Dan Ingalls wikipedia
- Grady Booch wikipedia home
- Kent Beck wikipedia home
- Rebecca Wirf-Brock wikipedia home
- Robert C. Martin aka Uncle Bob home
- Martin Fowler wikipedia home
- Richard P Gabriel wikipedia home
Object Oriented Programming Languages
- Self Language
- Eiffel Language
- JavaScript - wikipedia, rant by Douglas Crockford
Useful Articles
- Stop Giving Away Your Greatest Advantage at Work, JB Rainsberger
- We’ll Try, Ron Jeffries
General References
- Grady Booch On Computing podcast
- Classic articles, Ron Jeffries
- Book list for software developers
- Copy and paste programming practice - Coders View, Legal Perspective, Balanced View