References of Object Oriented Programming, 2017-18

Similar Courses

  1. CMSC132: Object Oriented Programming II, University of Maryland, College Park
  2. ECE30862 Object Oriented Programming C++ and Java, Purdue University, West Lafayette
  3. CS108 Object Oriented System Design, Stanford University
  4. Java Programming courses at MIT - Java Preparation for 6.170, Introduction to Programming in Java
  5. MIT 6.148 Web Programming Competition, MIT
  6. University of Helsinki’s MOOC on Object Oriented Programming Part-I, Part-II
  7. Principles of Object Oriented Programming COMP201 COMP202, Rice University
  8. Object Oriented and Advanced Programming, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
  9. CS410J: Advanced Java Programming, Portland State University Lecture Videos

Software Development Process

  1. Object Oriented Analysis and Design, BITS
  2. Extreme Programming
  3. Atlassian developers “Hello World! A new grad’s guide to coding as a team


  1. UML Quick Reference, Allan Holub
  2. UML diagrams
  3. Visio UML Stencils by Pavel Hruby

Java Programming Language

  1. Collected Java Practices, John O’Hanley
  2. Introduction to CS with Java, Prof. Bradley Kjell, Central Connecticut State University
  3. Oracle Java Tutorials
  4. Introduction to Programming in Java, MIT OCW
  5. CS106A Programming Methodologies, Stanford University Videos
  6. Introduction to Programming Using Java, David Eck
  7. Java Programming I, Stephen Gilbert
  8. Computer Science CS161 and CS162, Western Oregon University
  9. Java Video Tutorials by Derek Banas
    You can also visit his Youtube Channel
  10. Java Tutorials, Jenkov
  11. Gradual development of programs
  12. Debugging technique
  13. Common errors in Java programs

Coding Style

  1. Unmaintainable Code, Roedy Green
  2. Java Style Guide, Google


  1. BlueJ - FAQ, Reference Manual, Installing Extensions
    Extensions - PMD, Jeliot, CheckStyle (see UWA page for style config xml file)
  2. Git and GitHub documentation
  3. TortoiseGit
  4. FitNesse acceptance testing tool
  5. GIT review article

Design Principles and Patterns

  1. SOLID Principles - Uncle Bob, review article
  2. Design Patterns (in Java) by Derek Banas
  3. Design Patterns in Java by Ilkka Seppälä GitHub, Exhaustive List, Pattern Class Diagrams
  4. Architecture of Open Source Software

Role Models

  1. Alan Kay wikipedia home
  2. Dan Ingalls wikipedia
  3. Grady Booch wikipedia home
  4. Kent Beck wikipedia home
  5. Rebecca Wirf-Brock wikipedia home
  6. Robert C. Martin aka Uncle Bob home
  7. Martin Fowler wikipedia home
  8. Richard P Gabriel wikipedia home

Object Oriented Programming Languages

  1. Self Language
  2. Eiffel Language
  3. JavaScript - wikipedia, rant by Douglas Crockford

Useful Articles

  1. Stop Giving Away Your Greatest Advantage at Work, JB Rainsberger
  2. We’ll Try, Ron Jeffries

General References

  1. Grady Booch On Computing podcast
  2. Classic articles, Ron Jeffries
  3. Book list for software developers
  4. Copy and paste programming practice - Coders View, Legal Perspective, Balanced View