
In interest of reproducible research, all implementations of our research work has been made available as open source software.


An automated evaluation platform for programming labs. The software supports programs in C, C++, Java and Python programming languages. The software is capable of utilizing different testing strategies (unit, integration, functional tests and I/O tests are supported).
We also provide a client software named autolabcli which helps users interact with AutolabJS evaluation server.

Software Name Source Code Releases Documentation
AutolabJS GitHub AutolabJS v0.4.0 wiki, website
autolabcli GitHub autolabcli v1.0.0 wiki, website

Social Networks

Observe online social network structure using IRC chat logs, mailing lists etc. We wish to deduce communication patterns in these online platforms, and also explain the multiplex nature of online social networks. Determining multiplex network structure would provide baseline input to normative discussion on optimal structures of multiplex networks.

Software Name Source Code Releases Documentation
IRCLogParser GitHub IRCLogParser v1.1.1 website, wiki
MLCAT GitHub MLCAT v0.1.2 website, wiki

Protocol Analysis

We are interested in developing tools for sound network measurements. We are developing a tool to perform custom packet analysis.GitHub repository containing relevant code is: BITS-Darshini.

Software Name Source Code Releases Documentation
BITS Darshini GitHub BITS Darshini v2.1 website, wiki

Transport Networks

Provide search service for travelers using multi-modal transport service. Here, multi-modal mean multiple means of transport, say, train, bus, flight, boat etc. In order to provide the multi-modal transport search service, the first step is to collect schedules of transport operators. The second step is to develop algorithms that would dynamically search the given schedules for a source-destination pair. The final step is to develop web application that would provide search service to interested travelers.

Software Name Source Code Releases Documentation
Transport Scheduler GitHub Transport Scheduler v0.1.0 website, wiki